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The Haunted Buford House

Located on East Safford Street in historic Tombstone, Arizona, the Buford House is one of the town’s oldest and most historic buildings. It also happens to be one of its most haunted. In fact, some refer to it as the scariest haunted house in the Wild West.

The origins of the hauntings at Buford House are nearly as old as the building itself. It was the site of child deaths, and a brutal shooting occurred outside. Those who died in and near the home are thought to still reside within its adobe walls, unable to move on from their tragic endings.

Why is the Buford House haunted?

There are at least two reasons why Buford House is so thoroughly haunted. The first is that the original owner had seven children, but three died in the house when they were young. Their playful child spirits have been heard and felt ever since.

The second reason goes back to a shooting that occurred outside the home eight years after its completion. A jilted lover shot his beloved in front of the house before taking his own life. Since then, it’s believed this man’s angry spirit targets the female guests of Buford House.

Booking a ghost tour with Tombstone Terrors is essential for anyone wanting to learn about the haunted history of Tombstone and the ghosts of the Wild West.

The History of Buford House

Buford House is a two-story adobe structure built by George Washington Buford in 1880. Buford was one of the original settlers of Tombstone and had made his fortune in the Texas mining industry. He lived in the home with his wife Anne and their seven children. Sadly, three of the Bufords’ children died young during a diphtheria outbreak. The house was then sold in 1888.

The same year that the Bufords moved out of the home, George Daves is said to have moved into Buford House and attempted to win the affection of his childhood sweetheart, Petra Edmunds. George had worked tirelessly to save money and make something of himself to marry Petra. As the story goes, the two go to a dance together, but Petra leaves with another man she plans to marry. Days later, George shot Petra multiple times outside Buford House, where she collapsed. Believing he had killed her, George shot himself in the head and died instantly. However, Petra went on to survive the shooting and married the other man. The story was reported in the Tombstone Epitaph on April 14, 1888.

Over the years, Buford House has been a boarding house, bed and breakfast, and a private residence. It has been the home of a state senator, mayor, and two sheriffs. Hollywood legend John Wayne once stayed at the home during his illustrious film career. 

The Hauntings At Buford House

Ghostly figures of children standing in a room
Copyright US Ghost Adventures

Buford House has become a popular destination for ghost hunters over the years. One investigator used a pendulum to contact George Washington Buford, who confirmed he died in the home and his spirit still haunted it. Photos taken by ghost hunters have also captured orbs and a lady in white standing on the front porch. When the house was a bed and breakfast, guests would walk in on the ghost of an old woman in a rocking chair who would shout, “Get out of my room!”

Over the years, residents of Buford House have heard children laughing and wondered if the mischievous ghosts of the Buford children are responsible for some of the home’s ghostly activity. For example, lights and faucets are known to turn on and off by themselves, rappings are heard in the wall, and the front doorbell will ring at 3 a.m. even though no one is outside.

Human bones were found in the basement of Buford House at one point, leading some to wonder if a body had been buried there and for what reason. It’s possible that the disturbed remains could have caused a spirit to become active.

The Unquiet Spirit of George Daves

Ghostly figure of a man standing in a basement
Copyright US Ghost Adventures

The most active and arguably most unpleasant spirit is that of George Daves, who took his own life after shooting Petra Edmunds. Female guests at Buford House have felt an unseen hand play with their hair and brush the back of their neck. A former owner named Catherine said she didn’t know the house was haunted but quickly suspected it after an unseen hand rubbed her leg while she was sleeping.

This male spirit can also attack. One woman reported being pinned down to her bed and feeling as if electricity were running through her body. The entity vanished once the woman’s friend intervened.

The male apparition believed to be George Daves has also been captured in photographs. He is said to appear behind visitors when looking into Buford House's mirrors.

Haunted Tombstone

Unlike the ghost towns found throughout the West, Tombstone remains a thriving town to this day. Perhaps the town’s longevity has allowed so many ghosts to reside within its city limits. 

Whatever the reason might be, Buford House is undoubtedly haunted, as evidenced by its countless ghost stories. It’s even rumored that Buford House had to close as a bed and breakfast because it was simply too haunted to function. However, there are still many great hotels and places to visit in historic Tombstone. 

Want to learn more about haunted Tombstone and the colorful spirits of the Wild West? Book a ghost tour with Tombstone Terrors and take a step back in time. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, and keep reading our blog for more real Arizona hauntings.


Book A Tombstone Terrors Tour And See For Yourself

Tombstone: The Town Too Tough To Die. Home of the infamous gunfight at the O.K. Corral and two major fires, this old mining down has more secrets buried beneath its wild west history.

Join Tombstone Terrors as we uncover stories Tombstone’s turbulent past and real hauntings experienced by residents and visitors.
